Dewik Untarawati, M.Hum.
Personal ID:
- NIP: 199404132024062002
Educational Background:
- Universitas Indonesia (2018) Master of Humanities
- Universitas Airlangga (2015) Bachelor of Humanities
Course Subject:
- English 1
- Ilmu Komunikasi
Research Interest:
- History of Science and Technology
- History of Transportation
Notable Publication:
- Civil Aviation in the Netherlands East Indies during the Great Depression, 1928-1934
- Rute-rute Penerbangan KNILM dan Integrasi Hindia Belanda
- Sarana dan Prasarana Transportasi Kereta Api di Kota Surabaya Tahun 1876-1942
- Dari Kleine Haven sampai Grote Haven : Pelabuhan Belawan 1870-1940